Maple Syrup Time

Mathew driving to cut firewood for maple syrup production

Mathew driving to cut firewood for maple syrup production

Sap is here. It has been a long winter, but it is warm enough and our tree sap started running today. The days must be warm with the nights getting below freezing still. Mat went out again today to check our maple trees and to tap a few more. He took along some materials to cut firewood for our boiler.

When I hear something over and over sometimes I just accept it without understanding. Mat cut nearly a cord of wood. Today I was finally given understanding of what a cord is. It is 4 ft by 4 ft by 8 ft of cut wood. A maple syrup evaporator can make 25 gallons of maple syrup out of one cord of wood. We’ll see how much we get with our homemade evaporator.

We’re excited for the sap to flow. Please pray we have the endurance to keep up when we have more sap than we can handle.